Solution-based Inquiry: Dismantling scarcity blocks

Many of us make decisions from a place of fear and use finances as an excuse to skirt around furthering our goals. I am not discounting the validity of this concern and we do need to be mindful of our basic survival needs and use financial discernment. However, it can be very easy to become habitual and use money as an excuse to stay *the same, same” operating under the influence of fear and distraction with little to no growth…..

We cope by investing our precious time and resources into shinier distractions and avoid bringing inspiration into form through intentional action. Things stay shiny on the outside and are something we only observe from the outside (looking in), with minimal integration. They stay separate and reflect the dualistic mindset our survival self loves to operate under and be reminded of.

Just take a moment to consider the area of your life that you have been struggling with. How many books have you purchased, webinars you’ve attended, conversations you’ve initiated or program discovery calls have you hopped on (without following through on) in an effort to “fix” your situation?

How much time have you spent talking about it??!! 👀👀

If you added all of that up and tallied up your 💰 investments and the hours you’ve dedicated to changing your situation, how much has that costed you energetically?

What price tag would you put on your energy and time?

We may hesitate to say yes to a solution that requires a bit more investment upfront because we might even know that deep down we don’t feel ready or that we simply don’t want to do the work….

Instead, we subscribe to influence without the long game in mind or lean into the distraction/excuse of “perfect timing.”

We want to be guaranteed the results we see, seeing results in record time and doing the least amount of work possible…. because we can’t stand THE DISCOMFORT.

Yet we choose to live in discomfort every day, simply because we don’t feel inspired enough to take action and do the darn thing that will reposition us.  It’s scary. It’s uncomfortable. There are no guarantees.

But isn’t “no guarantee” and the prospect of things turning out even better than you imagined, or better yet, gaining clarity on what you TRULY want through trial and error, better than the guarantee of staying the same?

There is comfort in staying the same. It’s predictable. It appears to require less energy than it would to invest in change. We may believe we can minimize our suffering if we put ourselves in familiar situations and become proficient at responding to the same situation over and over again, feeding the desire to be in control…

Sounds crazy right? Yet, from a survival standpoint (without logical reasoning) it makes perfect sense somatically as a strategy.

Don’t judge yourself if you can relate. I know that I can 100% relate and know exactly which areas of my life I have done this and where my natural set point resides but awareness is power. Awareness has the power to dismantle everything that is keeping us stuck and resistant.

Know you are doing the best you can based on the experiences of your past but know that we can ALL do “better.” Not better in the sense that our past ways are invaluable but in recognizing there is a limitation in keeping things the same and likely a better course of action in greater alignment with how we want to feel in an effort to bring forward greater desired experiences.

So next time you find yourself negotiating with your needs, wants and desires, please ask yourself….” other than the financial investment, how much is it costing me to not invest in the solution that will provide the transformation I seek?

Disrupt your outdated ways of doing things, in order to experience a new way of being!

Recognize HOW VALUABLE YOU ARE. You are worth investing in.

I wanted to share this today because I’ve seen a trend in the beautiful humans I get to work with. It can be so easy to fall into the trap of money being a barrier to a better life. We say NO to the solutions and instead invest collectively and long-term in the distractions. A $150 session with a therapist or an immersive experience may be outside your financial comfort zone but yet it’s nothing in comparison with the smaller purchases added up collectively - especially the ones that don’t support the transformation and later only collect dust on the mantle.

Working with my counsellor has been THE BEST investment I have ever made. One session gets me grounded and focused on the real problems that exist and provides the space for me to take aligned action. The cost of empowerment is so much more fulfilling that a $50 calcite stone (to attract abundance), purchasing 5 books on manifestation ($100+ value) and treating myself to sushi (which we all say is a cheap meal but always costs WAY more).

It’s all about priorities.

Ask yourself, how sick and tired am I of being sick and tired?

What will it cost me long-term to stay the same? Can I put a price on that?

Is it worth doing the same thing for another two years and missing out on the progress I desire?

Sometimes the hardest decisions to make, but the absolute best and MOST REWARDING decisions are when we follow our hearts instead of impulse and operate outside of our comfort zones, by prioritizing the solution above the distractions and MAKING CHANGE HAPPEN.

You just need to be radically honest and ask yourself, how badly do I want this? What am I willing to give up in order to say yes to the solution?

If you aren’t ready to invest in the solution, you just aren’t ready and that is okay. Admit that to yourself and move on instead of complaining.

You may realize that you don’t want to give anything up and instead realize that your desire was never really in alignment with what you truly wanted to experience on a soul level. This brings you clarity and helps you to identify the distractions you’ve accepted or highlights the societal norms and expectations that you don’t resonate with.

Regardless, this feedback is powerful.

If you are still struggling to invest in a solution and find it hard to make a decision, think of your investment as investing in YOU and your long-term goals. Be resourceful but not cheap. If you find yourself trying to find ways to get the support for free, this is something being highlighted for you and will give you the opportunity to honestly assess whether you are TRULY ready to invest in change.

This is your invitation to go deeper.

Some other words of encouragement. Operate under your own timeline, and find and trust your pace. It is time to collapse the false timelines and expectations of others and give yourself some grace when implementing change.

Do you. Source out the solutions. Invest in them. Get to work. LOVE life without condition.

Once you do, you will quickly realize that it was never about the money. What could be more liberating?

Your friend and ally,


P.s - If you liked this post, feel free to share it with a friend that could use an extra dose of inspiration or with your community on your socials. Thanks in advance for reading and sharing!


Do You identify as highly sensitive?